League of Eastern Ontario Champions!, News (Apsley Minor Hockey)

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Mar 06, 2017 | April Perks | 1452 views
League of Eastern Ontario Champions!
Congratulations to the Apsley Flames Novice and Atom teams for both winning the 2016/17 league titles!  The Apsley Flames Peewee and Bantam teams were both the 2016/17 league finalists.  What a season for the Apsley Flames!

The Apsley Flames novice team finished both their regular season and their playoff round robin in first place.  They faced the Havelock Hawks in the League of Eastern Ontario 'A' Championship Series.  Apsley won game one but lost game two in overtime in Havelock.  On Wednesday, March 1st the Apsley Flames novice team beat the Havelock Hawks by a score of 4-3 to win the championship title. 
The Apsley Flames Atom team went undefeated in regular season with a record of 20-0-0. They went undefeated again in the playoff round robin and faced the Percy Bulldogs in the league 'A' Championship Series.  The Flames won game one by a score of 16-1 in Apsley.  On Sunday, February 26th they travelled to Warkworth and beat Percy 8-0 to win the League of Eastern Ontario Championship!
