Registration Fees, News (Apsley Minor Hockey)

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Jul 20, 2018 | April Perks | 1464 views
Registration Fees

Our registration fees for the 2018-19 season will remain the same as they have for the past several years.  We will try to keep hockey as affordable as possible to give kids the opportunity to play.   The AMHA pays for two tournaments per team per season and new players receive their first set of game socks free of charge.  Additional costs include last name bars and tournament fees should a team participate in more than two.  There is also a $4 gate charge per adult at each game, home or away, as mandated by the League of Eastern Ontario with the exception of Initiation games.  Registration fees for the 2018-19 season are as follows:

Preschool - $125
Initiation - $225
Tyke/Novice - $325
Atom - $425
Peewee - $425
Bantam - $425
Midget - $450

We look forward to seeing everyone at registration in September!
