Feb 25, 2020 | April Perks | 1172 views
End of Season
The 2019-20 AMHA season is winding down. Our Atom - Midget divisions will face off in the first to four points league championship series:
G Championship
Atom vs. Ennismore
A Championship
Peewee vs. Lakefield
A Championship
Bantam vs. Bancroft
B Championship
Midget vs. Centre Hastings
Our Novice Flames play their last full ice round robin game this coming Saturday vs. Warkworth. Then they will compete in the League of Eastern Ontario Championship Weekend in Norwood March 7th & 8th.
Our Initiation teams have a busy weekend with games in Warkworth and Tweed. They will finish their season at the League of Eastern Ontario Initiation Wrap-Up Day, right here in Apsley on March 7th.
The final practices of the season will be Monday, March 9th for our Novice, Atom, Bantam and Midget teams. The final practices of the season for our Initiation and Peewee teams will be on Thursday, March 12th.
Please save the date, Saturday, April 18th for the 2019-20 AMHA Awards Banquet. Stay tuned for more details.