AMHA Start-Up, News (Apsley Minor Hockey)

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Sep 28, 2020 | April Perks | 1230 views
AMHA Start-Up
Welcome to the 2020-21 Apsley Minor Hockey Season.  We are thrilled to be able to return to hockey this season.  With your help, we will use our best efforts to make it memorable and enjoyable.

Modified AMHA Season of 3 on 3 or 4 on 4

Team practices days and times:

6pm - IN-HOUSE Program (birth years 2012-16)
7:20pm - 8:10pm U11 (formerly Atom birth years 2010-11)
8:40pm - 9:30pm U18 (formerly Midget birth years 2003-05)

6pm - 6:50pm U8 (formerly Minor Novice birth years 2013)
7:20pm - 8:10pm U15 (formerly Bantam birth years 2006-07)

6:30pm - 7:20pm U13 (formerly Peewee birth years 2008-09)

Games will be on the weekends.  Practices will begin the week of November 16th.  We will be meeting with other minor hockey associations within our Public Health Unit to try and form small leagues of no more than 5 teams of 10 players each.  These other associations may include Douro, Ennismore, Lakefield, Norwood, Otonabee & Millbrook.  We hope to have more details for this program soon.

Mandatory Free “Safe Return to Hockey” Course 

All coaching & bench staff must complete a free online course in order to help with a team this season. Please follow the link below for more information and how to access the course.

Rowan’s Law Concussion Awareness Acknowledgement Form
The Ontario Hockey Federation has been working with Hockey Canada on the implementation of Rowan’s Law since the adoption of the Rowan’s Law Concussion Safety on March 7, 2018. The Ontario Hockey Federation is in full support of the intent of Rowan’s Law to create awareness of concussion, change the culture on concussion and provide safe sport participation. Consistent with the 2019-20 season Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport requirements and in line with the Rowan’s Law Act and Regulations, every player, parent of a minor, Team Official and On-Ice Official must review the OHF Concussion Code of Conduct and the appropriate Concussion Awareness Resource in order to register/participate.

Please read and review the age appropriate resource for concussions prior to the first AMHA on-ice session.

All coaches, managers and trainers, as well as players and their parent or guardian will be required to sign a paper copy of this form upon entry into the building on the first night of hockey.  Pens will be provided, but please feel free to bring your own pen.

Expectations for Entering and Exiting the NKCC:

Players and their guardians will enter through the main entrance of the NKCC.  Players and their guardians will be asked to complete a Health Screening Questionnaire, as mandated by the Ontario Hockey Federation, upon entrance into the building.

On the first night of hockey, please arrive 20-30 minutes prior to your scheduled ice time so that the Rowan’s Law Concussion Awareness forms can be signed.  

For all other ice times, please arrive no sooner than 15 minutes before your scheduled ice time.  Players and their family members may be asked to line up outside and wait during the Rowan’s Law form signing and the health screening questionnaire. 

Please come dressed in base layers or as much equipment as possible.   Please see link below for safe travel in car seats with equipment:

Players and their guardians will exit through the referee doors or the exit at the back stair case.  Players must vacate the building within 15 minutes after their on-ice session is over.  

We thank everyone in advanced for their understanding and cooperation in these areas.

Hygiene Requirements

1. Minimize going in and out of doors, including the dressing room. Facility doors are considered high-risk touchpoints. Team staff should try and control the number of times players enter and exit dressing rooms, as this avoids contact with the door handles. Use the elbow to open. 
2. Absolutely no sharing of drinks or food. 
3. Team warm-ups and practices should adapt to proper spacing; reduce the number of one-area stations, including the players coming together in one group for instruction. 
4. Paper towels/tissue can be on hand to wipe the face or blow the nose if on the bench. Ensure tissues are properly disposed of. Garbage cans or a plastic bag should be placed close to the bench. 
5. Emphasize to all participants that spitting and blowing the nose without tissue is absolutely forbidden. 
6. Each player needs to have a marked water bottle, which is washed after each practice or game
7. Pre-game and post-game handshakes should be eliminated. 
8. Players should not share clothing, soap, shampoo or other personal items such as razors and towels. 
9. Wash your hands after using restrooms with soap and water for at least 20 seconds as outlined previously. Use alcohol-based hand sanitizer if soap and water are not available. 
10. Some equipment should also be washed (jerseys, pant shells, socks) after each training session following manufacturer guidelines. It is important that players ensure equipment is kept clean.

What to Expect at the NKCC

As of right now, the following are just a few procedure notes that are subject to change:

• Occupancy loads are posted for the various areas, including dressing rooms.
• Please no loitering in the lobby.  Observing the ice surface from the lobby has yet to be determined.  
• Maximum 8 players per dressing room at a time (this does not include a parent helping their young child dress) 
• Individual plastic chairs will be placed outside the dressing rooms for use too.  It depends on rental and number of skaters.  

• 50 people maximum may occupy the Spectator Stands, while maintaining a physical distance of 6’ or more.
• Masks are required inside any public building as per the Peterborough Public Health directive, unless you are partaking in a physical activity.  Parents/guardians are expected to wear a mask during their time at the NKCC.  Players are expected to wear a mask up until they go on the ice. 

A person shall be exempt from wearing a face covering in the establishment if:

 - The person is a child under the age of two years; or is a child under the age of five years either chronologically or developmentally and he or she refuses to wear a face covering and cannot be persuaded to do so by their caregiver; 
- The person is incapacitated and unable to remove their face covering without assistance; 
- Wearing a face covering would inhibit the person’s ability to breathe such as, but not limited to, during athletic, fitness or physical activity or any activity that would preclude its use (such as swimming); 
- For any other medical reason, the person cannot safely wear a face covering such as, but not limited to, respiratory disease, cognitive difficulties or difficulties in hearing or processing information; 
- For any religious reason, the person cannot wear a face covering; 
- No person shall be required to provide proof of any of the exemptions.

• The NKCC plans to open the snack bar for hockey and other events.  Coffee, hot chocolate, snacks, chips, chocolate bars, etc. will be available initially but perhaps not all delicacies such as chicken fingers and fries.

How Many People Can We Bring to the Arena?

The AMHA asks, that for now, please limit to two parents or family members per player for the Skills & Scrimmage Sessions whenever possible. If you can make do with only one parent brining a player, then that’s even better. We understand that some players have younger siblings that cannot be left at home.  If everybody does their part, we can make room for everyone who needs to be at the arena while observing the 50 person maximum in the spectator stands.  This can be reviewed and adjusted as restrictions are lifted. 

What to do if you suspect your child is sick

If a participant is sick or showing possible symptoms of COVID-19 they will not be allowed to participate in hockey.   They will be asked to seek medical advice as per public health unit guidelines.  Players will not be permitted to return to hockey without a doctors note.

es & Payments

The $50 fee for the Scrimmage & Skills Sessions is due Tuesday, September 15th.  Registration for the 2020-21 modified Season is due Saturday, October 31st.  E-transfers can be sent to [email protected].