Registration for the 2022-23 AMHA Season, News, U9 (2016-17) (Apsley Minor Hockey)

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Organization | May 18, 2022 | April Perks | 3333 views
Registration for the 2022-23 AMHA Season
Online Registration for the 2022-23 Apsley Minor Hockey Season will open on Monday, August 1st. Coaching applications will open on Friday, July 1st. 

There have been some major changes announced:

1.  The OHF Covid Vaccine policy has been cancelled for the 2022-23 season.

2.  The OMHA has determined that there will be no gate fee permitted for entry to any OMHA sanctioned activity effective the 2022 - 2023 season

The Apsley Minor Hockey Association anticipates icing teams in every division this coming season.  

Due to the elimination of gate fees, there will be an increase to registration fees for the 2022-23 season.  Gate fees have allowed us to keep our registration fees as low as possible for many years.  Now, instead of slowly paying out each time a game is attended, there will be a registration fee increase up front.  Over the course of the season, most families will end up paying less overall.  The best part is that parents will no longer have to volunteer to be on the door!

Registration Fees for the 2022-23 Season:
U5 (2018-19) - $275
U7 (2016-17) - $375
U9 (2014-15) - $475
U11 through U18 (2005-2013) - $575

If you plan on registering for the 2022-23 season on or after August 1st but would like to make payments in advance, please feel free to contact us at [email protected] or 705-931-2281.

For funding assistance please see links below:

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