Organization | May 21, 2022 | April Perks | 3594 views
About the AMHA
We are busy getting ready for the 2022-23 Apsley Minor Hockey Season. This article will tell a bit about the association and the league Apsley teams play in.
Every season the AMHA tries to ice teams in every division. Because Apsley is so small there aren't enough kids for an in house league. Apsley particiaptes in the League of Eastern Ontario, also known as the "LEO" League. Apsley's OMHA classification is LL, which stands for Local League, think of it as a travelling house league. Although Apsley doesn't have representative status (Rep hockey), the teams, players and coaches definitely represent the community of Apsley and surrounding areas at games and tournaments.
The League of Eastern Ontario facilitates games, playoffs and championships for rural communites and their teams. Teams in the LEO include, Apsley, Bancroft, Brighton, Campbellford, Centre Hastings (Madoc & Marmora), Douro, Ennismore, Havelock, Lakefield, Norwood, Otonabee (Keene), Tweed & Warkworth. For the U11, U13, U15 and U18 divisons, regular season usually consists of 20-24 games which breaks down to 10-12 home games and 10-12 away games. The playoffs usually consist of another 6-8 games. U7 and U9 play a modified schedule, usually with not quite as many games as the older teams. The U9 divison also parcipates in playoffs and championships while U7 only plays exhibition games with no scores or standings. For U9 and up, the teams will particiapte in year end Championship weekends. The U7 division usually participates in a year end wrap-up day.
Apsley teams practice once per week beginning in October. Some teams chose to fund additional practices and add a second practice per week. Games usually begin in mid October and the season concludes in March. Hockey season does pause for the Christmas holidays and March break with no mandatory games or practices permitted. However, teams are allowed to practice and participate in touranments during these periods. Regular team practices will be Mondays or Wednesdays. Games usually take place on the weekends.
To start off the season, the Apsley Minor Hockey Association provides power skating and skills clinics for $50 per player. The clinics are open to players ages 5-17 and who are registered to the Apsley Minor Hockey Association. This season, the dates and times for the clinics will be as follows:
Friday, September 9th
Monday, September 12th
Friday, September 16th
Monday, September 19th
Friday, September 23rd
Monday, September 26th
Friday, September 30th
The times will be:
6pm U7 & U9
7pm U11 & U13
8pm U15 & U18
(times and age groups are subject to change)
Registration fees for the 2022-23 season are:
U5 (2018-2019) - $275
U7 (2016-2017) - $375
U9 (2014-2015 - $475
U11 (2012-2013) - $575
U13 (2010-2011) - $575
U15 (2008-2009) - $575
U18 (2005-2007) - $575
Registration fees cover the cost of ice, referees, insurance & assessment fees. The AMHA covers the fee of two tournaments per team every season. Players receive game jerseys to use each season and every new player receives game socks.
Extra costs may include last name bars if a player would like them for their game jerseys and team photos. Name bars are usually a one time $25 fee. Team photos are usually $25 per player every season.
There are no out of town fees, no volunteer fees and no gates fees. If a team chooses to participate in a third or fourth tourament, the fee is usually divided among the families or fundraising is an option.
Coaching applications for the 2022-23 season will open online on Friday, July 1st. Online registration will open on Monday, August 1st.